actual liability

英 [ˈæktʃuəl ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti] 美 [ˈæktʃuəl ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti]




  1. Where and to the extent that both the carrier and the actual carrier are liable, their liability is joint and several.
  2. Moreover, in public governance in the actual operation, there are also many problems, lack of citizenship, public liability fuzzy, multi-community conflict, crisis of legitimacy.
  3. The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier, the actual carrier and their servants and agents shall not exceed the limits of liability provided for in this Convention.
  4. Analysis on the Actual Demand of Directors 'and Officers' Liability Insurance in China
  5. Mathematical models of industrial enterprises are employed here to work out the industrial assets-liability ratio in terms of trade between the year 1998 and 1999 in China. And a comparison and analysis is made with the actual assets liability ratio of the same year.
  6. At first, it analyzed the actual conditions of the basic principle of the implementing form and different kinds of projects and our country project realistic state in building market of our country project quality implementing form liability insurance which should adopt.
  7. Identification of the Actual Carrier And Confirmability of His Liability
  8. The joint liability between actual carrier and carrier is the unreal joint liability.
  9. The Double Attribute of Actual Carrier's Liability
  10. With the conversion to the market economic system, actual performance is no longer an elementary principle of the performance of contracts, but a kind of important formation of liability for breach of contracts.
  11. Meanwhile, the author points the deficiencies basing on our country actual situation. By referencing two legal systems experience in the legislative and judicial practice, the author proposes recommendations of breaking the limited liability company deadlock.
  12. The actual investors 'liability to the company should be determined on the basis of whether the actual shareholders exercised their rights or not.
  13. The no-fault liability should be applied to the actual controller such as controlling shareholders, and the fault liability should be applied to the other institution or person.
  14. Civil damages because of its inherent defects, the victims often can not hold the actual infringer to civil liability way to get the full amount of the compensation.
  15. When the actual investors can not exercise shareholders 'rights, the dummy shareholders shall undertake the liability to company.
  16. In deciding the actual investors 'legal liability, we have to respect the party autonomy in private law, and apply the articles of association of the company and the anonymous contribution agreement first.
  17. In the first focus there exist obvious differences in opinion, some people think that the affiliate units is not actual infringer, so no liability; Another opinion is that affiliate units and affiliate are interested parties, shall be liable.
  18. Use the lean production management methods, combined with the actual operation of Henan Luohe tobacco industry limited liability company, Put forward the idea of the implementation of lean management.
  19. Considering that the verification of the actual contributor as the shareholder will also cause damages to human unity of the limited liability company, it is the view of this author in principle that other shareholders are entitled to exercise their preemptive right.
  20. The empirical study shows that, corporate social network and firm performance is negatively related, namely the corporate social network in the actual operation more performance for the corporate social liability.
  21. When defining the actual investors 'legal liability to the third party, it is necessary to protect the maximum benefit of the third party acting in good faith.
  22. Actual infringer is unable to bear the full liability, the Government should bear the economic law on alternative liability.
  23. Discussed the new insurance, which combined with actual conditions. Then expatiated introduces the water pollution liability insurance in our country water pollution government frame is necessity and feasibility.
  24. Chartered accountant who involves to the actual case the civil liability proposes own view.